
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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Year 3 – Blossom Class


"Every child is a different kind of flower and all together they make this world a beautiful garden."

In Year 3 we have 30 eager and excited children ready to embrace their Key Stage 2 journey. I am Mrs Twist, the class teacher and along with Miss Milner we are excited to watch your child grow and develop.  Throughout this year we will nurture your children as they begin their KS2 journey.



We begin our final half term together in Year 3 by journeying south! We will explore Antarctica in our Geography lessons, this will also link to learning about Antarctic Explorers in History.  We will link our History learning to our English work on Biographies before we finish the term learning about playscripts.

We will continue with our Swimming lessons this term, the children will go swimming each Monday and must bring their swimming kit each week.  We will also have Thai Boxing on a Monday as well, therefore the children will only need to wear their PE kits on a Monday this year.

In Religion we will finish learning about Pentecost and then move onto our CAFOD unit.  Some of our children will also make their 1st Holy Communion in June, we ask you to keep them in your prayers at this special time.

Our Science learning will focus on light.  We will look at different light sources and hopefully on a sunny day complete an experiment on shadows, we will be keeping our fingers crossed for some sunny days!


This is a very busy term, please keep a look out for all the key dates on the newsletter and messages sent from the office.



The happiness and safety of your child is very important to me, if you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us via our staff emails or

Congratulations to our 1st Communion Children

Class Routine

As the children enter the classroom there will be a morning task for them to complete, this is usually a maths activity or quiet reading.

After registration the children will begin the learning for the day.

At break time the children can bring a healthy snack in to eat at break time, please note fruit is not provided for KS2 children.



Homework is completed on Century Tech.  Children need to complete the minimum of 3 nuggets per week on Maths. Homework is due in every Friday.


Your child should bring home a reading book each night, they should read for at least 20 minutes.  When they have finished their book they should complete the quiz on Accelerated Reader, if they pass their quiz (80% or above) they need to change their book for a new one.

Please ensure that your child has their book in school every day, along with their reading record.

Year 3 Curriculum Plan 


Useful Links to Online Resources
