'Leave a little sparkle wherever you go'
Welcome to our Sparkle Class page. This year we have 30 eager and enthusiastic pupils in Class all excited to learn and have fun. Mrs Helliwell (Monday to Wednesday) and Mrs Lord (Thursday and Friday) will be teaching Year 1 this year alongside our wonderful teaching assistants, Mrs Dean and Mr Nylan-Austin.
This year, we will be finding out all about 'The Great Outdoors', looking at maps of our local area and the geography of where we live, as well as looking at the plants that grow around us. Later in the year we will look at Flight and who invented the first aeroplane. We will be learning about past and present royalty in our castles topic and differences in countries through our study of Africa. In the Summer Term we will also learn toys from the past and welcome a very special new class pet. All this, as well as preparing for Phonics Screening in Summer Term!
We look forward to showing you how we develop and progress as we work hard in our learning.
If you have any worries or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Snack Time
Morning break begins at 10:30am. If you wish to you can send your child in with a healthy snack. Please ensure snacks are labelled to avoid confusion.
In the afternoon, we have snack time just before home time. This is one piece of fruit provided by school.
Our expectations is that you read with your child for at least ten minutes every night to help with their learning. Once you have read with your child, please fill in their reading record to let us know. Every child will receive a home reading book and a phonics read. We will change books if you have noted they have been completed so please ensure your child’s reading record and books are in their school bag.
In the Summer term, PE is on Tuesday (FUNDA) and Thursday (dance). Children should come to school in their PE kit (Black leggings or jogging bottoms, PE top and hoody, jumper or cardigan) and trainers.
Every Friday children will be sent home with their phonics homework which contains an activity sheet based on the week's sounds. Also, your child will be sent home with a phonics book containing these sounds. These packs need to be returned on the following Tuesday in order for them to be changed to the current week's learning. Children have been working hard in class on their phonic knowledge and in bringing their pack home they can consolidate this by talking to you about all they have learned.
Phonics Screening Practice Papers
Phonics Screening Practice Activities
Maths Games
Literacy Games
Phonics Screening Practice
Geography Games
Science Games and Videos