
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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Inspire Class


'You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.'

A.A. Milne


Mrs. Whittaker

Miss Briggs

Mrs. Burgess


Welcome to Inspire Class. Here in Year Five, you will find 29 friendly, fun and fabulous children who are taught by myself, Mrs. Whittaker, along with Miss Briggs and Mrs. Burgess. 

This year, we will be learning about many interesting and exciting topics such as North America, the Vikings and Anglo Saxons, our local history, the Solar System and will get creative through our art and DT projects. We like to share our learning with others, so we look forward to you joining us each term during class assemblies and topic afternoons.


Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or on the door if you have any questions. 





Good morning!😊

In Computing, we used PurpleMash to create 2D nets which were then cut out and glued together to make a 3D vehicle.

Topic Afternoon: Roy Lichtenstein Art

Earth and Space Assembly

Watch our video blogs on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Still image for this video

The Right to Freedom.

Still image for this video

The Right to be loved.

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The Right to be Respected.

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The Right to be Treated Fairly.

Still image for this video

Routines in Class


At the start of the day, children will enter the classroom where they will settle into some basic daily arithmetic practise questions.

Morning break will be at 11am. If you wish, you may send a healthy snack in with your child for them to consume at this time.



We ask that you read with your child as often as possible. Your child will have a reading record that can be signed by yourself every time your child reads or is read to.

In KS2, children are expected read for 20-minutes each evening and to quiz regularly on Accelerated Reader upon completion of their book. As a minimum, we generally expect that children quiz at least once every fortnight. This helps aid their fluency and stamina to digest larger volumes of text - excellent preparation for  the Year 6 curriculum.



PE this term will be on a Monday afternoon (Thai Boxing) and Friday afternoon (Gymnastics). 

Children should come into school dressed in their PE kits (plain black leggings/joggers, PE T-shirt and school hoody, jumper or cardigan). 



Homework will predominantly be set using Century Tech - an interactive web-based learning platform- and it is expected that children complete 3 maths nuggets per week. Your child will receive their login details at the start of term, which will be stored in their reading journal. In addition, further homework may be given to enhance or consolidate the learning that has taken place in class.


Year 5 Curriculum Plan 2023-2024


Below are some quizzes which will help you to revise the Year 5 math units. Keep playing the quizzes to improve your score.

