Guided Reading:
Guided reading takes place in all year groups at least 3 times per week. Children in KS1 take part in a carousel of activities that involves a pre-read to open up understanding of the vocabulary, reading with an adult to include copy cat/echo reading and discussion for understanding and a follow up activity on the text read. Children develop their understanding of a text through repeated reads of a familiar, relatable text, through effective adult questioning and opportunities to independently respond to the text.
In KS2, a whole class approach is used to engage and include all readers in the process of reading for enjoyment and purpose. Classes in KS2 access around two and a half hours of reading per week following a sequence of deciphering the meaning of vocabulary, copy cat/echo/choral reading, modelled questions, independent comprehension and a skill based session that accesses any of the reading domains or a free read to promote reading for pleasure.
Every class will have access to a reading toolkit that can be used to support children with their independent, guided or shared reading. The toolkit consists of:
As a school, in addition to fostering a love of reading in our pupils, we strive to ensure that by the end of KS1 our pupils are able to accurately and fluently read age appropriate books and demonstrate an understanding of what they have read. At the end of KS2 we aim to ensure that all pupils leave with a broad range of reading skills that will allow them to demonstrate active reading strategies when reading a variety of texts.
We understand, through exploring the latest research provided by the EEF, that fluency is a key component in a child's ability to read and read confidently. Within all reading session, whether modelled as free read by class teachers or in independent reading sessions, fluency is at the core of teaching.