
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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Wider Curriculum

Through the quality teaching of History, we have been able to link many of the units to other curriculum areas for a full coverage.



We believe that History links exceptionally well to tie in children’s understanding of the society that we now live to those people, places and events that made it. This is currently taught through regular PSHE sessions. As well as this, what we now associate as modern British Values have evolved over time and we can learn lots about the past by looking back with hindsight but also thinking more carefully about the context in which people lived their lives.


Through topics such as Ancient Greece, we give the children the opportunity to discuss and evaluate Democracy and The Rule of Law. Not only will children here explore Governance, but it will feed in from prior learning in KS1 on Castles and Monarchy, Ancient Egyptian ruling to finally comparing the merits of their ruling through the term Empire.


Individual Liberty is encompassed through the curriculum. Through considering key individuals in each unit, from EYFS through to Year 6, children study individuals of the past to learn about the concept of equality and how our modern thought process wasn’t always the case. 


With Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith, this is covered through links in RE with our other faiths week, and in more depth with Year 6 when exploring the Early Islamic Civilisation.



In every unit of History, the children will have the opportunity to explore the regions of the country that they are investigating. It provides a perfect opportunity to understand the chronology of a time period, including exploring similarities and differences of the past to present. 


The importance of physical geography to the earliest civilizations is of real significance. The overview of the earliest 4, which is covered within Year 4, all began near to a river and along the equator where the climate is more stable. This will be a theme that continues into Upper Key Stage 2. Some of the land use has remained consistent from the past (technology has invariably changed how it looks of course) allows clear comparisons to be made. Furthermore, there are a large amount if European countries that will be explored that highlight a connection with Britain through the invasion and settlement of nations: Viking, Saxon, Romans. This allowed trade to develop between nations, which joined a network of trade that expanded across Europe and into Asia with the invention of the Silk Road in Islamic Civilisation.



Through science, we try to identify significant individuals who have made an impact within their field of work and the history of medicine. This is explored in greater depth when children explore the impact of Early civilisations and the use of medicine.
