
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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Remembrance WW1

Remembrance - Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally


The children will explore the importance of Remembrance as an event that was significant globally. They will explore in particular the impact that it had within our local environment; on the people of the community and those further afield. Children will continue to develop their chronological awareness by placing the event within thier own time frame; understanding the cause and continuity of the event - what did we learn from it; what major changes were brought about to our region and what has remained; how did the conflict impact upon society as we now know it; what cultural changes occurred as a result.

What Caused the First World War?

What caused the First World War? This cartoon cartoon will show you. .

The Poppy Story book animation

An animated version of The Poppy Story book. The book follows the development of the Poppy as a symbol of remembrance from the poem In Flanders Fields,
