SCODE Spelling
At OLSA, from Years 2 to 6, we follow the SCODE Spelling Scheme. This is a programme that allows the children to decide upon which strategies, knowledge and skills they are more confident to use to ensure more accurate use of spellings. It is also a programme that we have selected as it focuses upon ensuring that the fundamentals of phonics based learning continue with the children into KS2. It also encompasses a wider range of strategies to help children understand the etymology of words - something we consider vital to the children's development and understanding of language.
The focus of the programme is on the teaching of spelling, which embraces knowledge of spelling conventions – patterns and rules; but integral to the teaching is the opportunity to promote the learning of spellings, including statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings.
The Teaching Sequence:
Teaching of spelling follows the same pattern in each year group to ensure consistency and continuity of provision through the years. In each lesson, there is a heavy focus upon phonological awareness and their recognition of alternative phonemes to spell. The sequential approach follows the model below:
• Testing – this is achieved by a baseline at the start of each half term and an end of unit assessment on words covered at the end of the half term
• Dictation
• Explaining their understanding
• Independent application in writing
• Frequent learning of statutory and curriculum words.
Tips to learn spellings at home:
Learning at home needs to be an extension of the practice in school. It may be useful to consider the following:
• limiting the number of words you learn in one go. Break down the words into manageable amounts, to ensure success and enable deeper learning
• making sure pupils and parents have access to the range of learning strategies which have been taught in school, to use in home learning (see help sheet below)
• assessing spellings in context, for example: learning spellings in a given sentence, generating sentences for each word, assessing through unseen dictated sentences
• keeping an ongoing record of words learnt and setting very high expectations of correct application in writing once a word has been learned.