
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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At Our Lady and St Anselm's RC Primary School, we want children to use the gifts and talents God has shared with us to be able to collaborate and interact well with others; use their ability to reason in order to explain their thinking; and respectfully listen and respond to ideas that others have.  We strive to support pupils in developing their mathematical fluency so that they can approach maths positively in everyday situations.  Maths is a key life skill which is integral to everyday life experiences, and we want to support and challenge all pupils living in and around our Whitworth valley community.  Many of our pupils come from families with valuable practical trade backgrounds so having high-quality maths knowledge is essential for the future successes of our pupils.


We aim to develop children as confident and successful mathematicians - resilient learners who can take on the task of using and applying their mathematics knowledge when faced with solving real life maths problems in a range of contexts.  They should have a good knowledge of strategies and methods to enable them to make decisions when breaking down and solving problems involving number, measures, geometry and statistics. They should know how to think logically in order to work systematically and accurately.  Our pupils should leave OLSA with high expectations of their own abilities and the capacity to use maths independently as future responsible citizens of the 21st century.  


In EYFS we follow the White Rose Scheme of work. This scheme provides a secure foundation as we move onto the Maths No Problem Scheme from Year 1. Alongside the daily maths lessons we also follow in EYFS and KS 1 the Mastering Number Approach to ensure all pupils are fluent with number before moving into KS 2.


Mrs Whittaker is the maths leader in our school. She loves learning about numbers and finding different strategies for solving problems using practical and written methods. She wants all pupils to enjoy maths, and see it as a fun but challenging subject.  




Throughout the year, Y6 have the opportunity to attend Maths Booster club which aims to increase confidence and the ability to reason clearly and solve problems.


Maths Progression
