
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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Welcome to Succeed Class - Year 6


"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." (Winston Churchill)


Welcome to Year 6 - Succeed Class. We have 25 children in Succeed class this year, all striving to achieve their own personal goals. I, Miss Fleming, am the Year 6 teacher and alongside myself will be Miss Briggs as our class Teaching Assistant. We all share the same goal - to guide, to support, to learn, to laugh and to ensure that memories are made. We are looking forward to the exciting, and hard-working, journey ahead!


Now that the children are in Year 6, they will have many responsibilities around the school such as: leading by example as school role models to the younger children; taking the lead with School Council; participating as senior members of the GIFT Team; supporting younger children in reception with key reading skills; demonstrating sound knowledge of Internet Safety as members of the Internet Warriors; assisting within whole school assemblies; and representing the school at the various sporting competitions that we will be participating in throughout the year. It is sure to be a busy year!


As the year progresses, we will move onto discovering about our local environments through our 'Coasts' topic in Geography; finding out about the ancient civilisation of Baghdad; learning how important Greek History was to our own language and society; discovering the history of evolution through science and where electricity came from. All of this, as well as preparing for our SAT's and the not-to-be-missed end of year musical production, which is always a highlight in the children's calendar!


Your child's well-being is of vital importance to us and we want to ensure that they are happy and progressing. If you ever have any queries, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via our staff email:





Routines in Class


At the start of the day, children will enter the classroom where they will settle into some basic daily arithmetic practise. 

Morning break will be at 11am. If you wish, you may send a healthy snack in with your child for them to consume at this time.



We ask that you read with your child as often as possible. Your child will have a reading record that can be signed by yourself every time your child reads or is read to. In KS2, children will be expected to quiz regularly on Accelerated Reader upon completion of their book. As a minimum, we generally expect that children quiz at least once every fortnight. This helps aid their fluency and stamina to digest larger volumes of text that are expected within the Year 6 curriculum. This term, we have set the children a challenge to read at lead 50,000 words by the end of the term to receive a reading prize.



PE in Summer Term 2 will be on Tuesday Morning (FUNDA) and Friday afternoon (gymnastic skills). Children should come into school dressed in their PE kits. This consists of: Black leggings/joggers, PE Top and hoody, jumper or cardigan. Please ensure that all earrings and jewellery are removed for sessions. 



Homework for the final term will be predominantly based upon the production. It is important that children learn and rehearse their lines regularly for the leaver's production in July. There will be occasional pieces of learning in maths and literacy to help revise key skills in preparation for their transition to high school in September.

Year 6 Curriculum Plan 2023-2024



Welcome back to what will be the final term of the children's learning here at OLSA! The children have worked tremendously hard throughout the year but their learning is not yet over, we have so much more to pack into the final term including: revision of keys skills in maths and literacy; becoming more confident scientists; being key geographers and finally, developing their acting skills in preparation for the not to be missed final year 6 production of Olivia!


Even though SAT's are over, the children still have much to learn and must ensure that they continue to work with enthusiasm and motivation as their time at OLSA draws ever closer to the end.


In Literacy, we will be focusing on ensuring that the children's writing abilities are at the highest standards to ensure a smooth transition to high school. We will be exploring the book, 'Wonder' and the incredible story of the boy Auggie. Here we will explore formal and informal language, how to sustain cohesion and clarity of writing and ensure punctuation is accurate and precise.


In maths, the children will continue to develop their speed and fluency with calculations alongside key learning in shape, reflection, translation, negative numbers and averages.


In science, the children will be exploring the topic of light. Here they will perform many investigations to test refraction of light, how light is emitted, how light is measured and seen, creating their own units of light and making their own periscopes for a light investigation. Most of the work in this final unit will be developing scientific investigation skills of predictions, measuring, recording data and reliability of testing to enable them to transfer this knowledge as they move onto their high schools.


In Geography, the children will be looking at the topic of coasts. Here we will explore key coasts of the UK, make comparisons to European coasts before settling in to explore in detail the Holderness Coastline. During this unit, the children will be refining their map skills and identifying key human and physical features of coastlines, including coastline defences and the risks of erosion.


In RE, we will begin to explore what the word witness means and how we can apply that to our daily lives. We will also have the chance to consider the topic of healing through prayer, discussion and role play.


In DT, we will be exploring the unit of waistcoats. Here the children will plan, design, make and evaluate a waistcoat fit for their very own teddy. They will develop ley skills such as measuring, cutting, threading and stitching in a variety of forms: blanket and cross-stitching. We will also complete a unit on playgrounds where the children will plan, design and make their own playground fit for a specific purpose.


In computing, we will focus on creating our very own class blog linked to their learning on the Islamic Civilisation.  We will also explore privacy settings and the importance of these as their prepare their transitions to high school in the following term.


In art, children will be looking at the technique of Batik to create their own wax based creation on linen.


PE this term will consist of FUNDA with Coach Tom on Tuesday morning and Gymnastics on a Friday afternoon, focusing on using the vault and apparatus for balance.

As part of their learning on the Islamic Civilisation, the children attended the Manchester Central Mosque to learn all about the Islamic faith. The children had a tour around the mosque and asked lots of very important questions to help their understanding of this other faith. After the visit there, the children were taken to Heaton Park for some very much needed downtime after working so hard towards their SAT's. They had a picnic lunch in the park and played on all of the park - even the terrifying slide!!

Judaism Artefacts Enquiry

As part of their learning in RE on other faiths, we had delivered artefact boxes from the Lancashire loans service for Islam and Judaism. The children had a great time exploring the objects, handling replica's and discussing their purpose.

On Friday, 26th January 2024, Year 6 took part in a fun glow dodgeball session in the hall. The children had a great time throwing the UV balls around the room with luminous vests on - very stylish!

DT Day - Come Dine with Me

On the final week of the Autumn Term, children in Succeed class completed a challenge of Come Dine with me. Their challenge was to create a recipe from scratch using a few simple ingredients like peppers and pineapple. The children devised their own menu's by researching recipes online, measuring their ingredients and preparing their menu independently - they even learned how to chop effectively! They managed to create items such as stuffed peppers and pineapple upside down cake - all of which went down a treat! They even managed to create dairy free varieties too!

In traditional Year 6 fashion, we decided to hold our own class secret santa. The gifts were placed under the tree and the children opened them all together. The gifts were fantastic - some very creative and thoughtful ones given. Thank you so much to the parents who supported the children with this.

Liverpool Empire Wizard of Oz

Children in Succeed class travelled to Liverpool Empire Theatre to watch their production of the Wizard of Oz. The children had a fantastic time as they watched the colourful musical. As always, their behaviour was outstanding!

This term, to support the children in their learning on WW2, the children visited Whitworth Museum to understand the impact of war on our own local area. The children explored and handled artefacts of the time such as a gas mask, a warden's whistle, a hand grenade, a rifle with bayonet, evacuee suitcase and a soldier's helmet. The children thoroughly enjoyed adding their own learning to the visit and the museum were amazed with the wealth of knowledge the children had acquired so far. Well done Succeed.

Real WW2 Artefacts

Succeed class were extremely lucky to have been given photographs that were directly from WW2. Mrs Burgess brought in the images which are of her Grandfather who fought in the Merchant Navy in WW2. He experienced torpedo fire, of which there were images of sinking battleships, and also, braved the beach landings as part of the Navy. The children were extremely careful with the handling of such old objects. 

Virtual Author - British Black History Month

To celebrate Black History month with Brilliant Black British History, Year 6 took part in a virtual author visit to explore an eye-opening story of Britain, focusing on a part of our past that has mostly been left out of the history books. From science and sport to literature and law, children’s author Atinuke celebrates the brilliant Black people who have helped build Britain. Atinuke took the children through historical topics such as the world wars, slavery, the industrial revolution, Windrush and the Black Lives Matter movement. The children recalled links with how Britain was created through invasion, migration and settlement of Romans, Saxons, Celts and Vikings and understood the impact on the world today.

Clay Heart Sculptures

After investigating real hearts from animals, the children were tasked with the challenge of creating their own clay heart sculpture to replicate the original thing. They had to include the valves, chambers, arteries and veins. 

This term, the children are learning all about the Circulatory System. This week, the children explore a real heart in class! The looked at the arteries, veins and valves of a selection of hearts including a sheep, a lamb, and ox and a pig. The children were fascinated with exploring and had a great time feeling and holding the objects for closer inspection!! 

Burnley Football Club & The Bethany Project Choir

On Monday, 9th October, the whole school has a visit from Burnley FC to talk about their current initiative for red card for racism. The children were spoken to by a representative of the club and they talked openly about the sport and problems faced within it. The children were exceptionally well behaved and learned a valuable lesson.

The children then were treated to live music by a Tanzanian group, The Bethany Project who sang a mixture of cultural songs and informed them of their life back home. It was an interesting visit where children were able to understand the life of another culture and their way of life.

On Tuesday, 10th October, Succeed class visited Whitworth Library to continue their learning on the events of WW2. They listened to facts read by Amy and explored what a ration box would look like in comparison to a real army ration box of today. The children found the whole experience very enlightening and were even given their own evacuee tag! After the talk, the children were given free run of the library to explore, read and take home books to continue to develop their love of books!

After reading the class texts of Once and The Boy in the Striped Pyjama's, the children were tasked with the challenge to create their own tense WW2 escape story. The y has worked hard over the past 3 weeks, devising their writer's craft through using techniques such as action, description and dialogue alongside using show not tell to vary their description. I am sure you would all agree, they are definitely worth publishing!! They will now take pride of place in our very own library for the class to read from. 

As part of our Scode spelling lessons, the children have been using games as a way to revise and practise spellings learned so far. . The children then used their new knowledge in their editing session in Literacy to ensure that the application of spelling into the written work was used.

WW2 Assembly

The children of succeed class were set the challenge to plan, design, create and present their own assembly to parents, carers and the whole school on their learning on WW2. The children worked in group to research and present facts on learning such as The Blitz, key figures and countries involved in WW2, the turning points of WW2, Evacuation, The Battle of Britain and the impact on our world. The children did a fantastic job!
