Mrs Howarth Miss Ward Miss Haworth
Welcome to Star Class - a vibrant group of 28 young pupils who are all eager and enthusiastic to grow, learn and have lots of fun together. It is a privilege to teach, support and nurture each of the children to achieve their fullest potential whilst in Year Two.
Welcome back! I trust that you had an enjoyable summer and are looking forward to the year ahead. Together with Miss Haworth and Miss Ward, I am looking forward to teaching your children and working with you throughout the year.
Star class certainly have an exciting term ahead! We will begin by exploring the Arctic, under the gaze of the Northern lights, to help Wolf find his way home. We will enhance our narrative writing skills and further develop our reading abilities within this captivating English unit.
Place Value, addition and subtraction will be our focus within Maths as we follow Maths No Problem. Throughout these lessons, the children will enjoy an array of practical and stimulating lessons to engage them in their learning and develop their mathematical skills.
Whilst developing our geography skills, we will explore landmarks and basic human and physical features in our local area and will also conduct our own fieldwork whilst exploring living things and their habitats within Science.
PSHE, RE and Computing this term will be based around relationships and families.
Our focus scripture in RE this term will be based on Colossians 3: 12-15,
“As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive. Above all clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body." Our lessons will explore the sanctity of 'family'.
We will study the famous David Hockney in Art this term. Our lessons will link to computing as we develop our knowledge and understanding of digital media.
For the Autumn term, our learning in music is focused around one song: Hands, Feet and Heart; a song which celebrates African music. The material presents an integrated approach to music where games, the dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc), singing and playing instruments are all linked.
Our Science this term is themed around Living Things and Their Habitats. We will take our learning outdoors as we explore our local environments as we compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive.
PE is on a Tuesday (FUNDA) and Thursday (Dance) . Children should come to school in their PE kit (Black leggings or black jogging bottoms, PE top and hoody, jumper or cardigan and trainers of their choice).
Every Thursday, children will be sent home with homework linked to learning in class. Please support your child in completing their work as this will benefit their learning and promote confidence in their application of new found skills. These packs need to be returned by the following Tuesday. Thank you.
Home reading books will be changed regularly. We kindly ask that your child reads their book at least three times across the week to enhance their comprehension skills. We do add book reviews and other tasks to promote comprehension – your child can earn house points for each comprehension task completed!
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at and I will respond at the earliest opportunity.
Break Time
Morning break begins at 10:30am. Please send your child in with a healthy snack and fresh water. Afternoon snacks of fresh fruit will be made available in the afternoon.
We ask you to read with your child as much as possible to help with their learning. Once you have read with your child, please fill in their reading record to let us know. We will change books if you have noted they have been completed so please ensure your child’s reading record and books are in their school bag. We kindly ask that your child reads their home reading book with you at least three times to develop their comprehension skills. We have plenty of fun and engaging comprehension tasks for your child to complete - please ask for more if needed.
PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kit (Black leggings or black jogging bottoms, PE top and hoody, jumper or cardigan and trainers of their choice.).
Every Thursday, children will be sent home with their homework pack which contains an activity sheet linked to their learning in class. These packs need to be returned by the following Tuesday in order for them to be checked and refreshed for the following Friday.
Please work through these words with your child, crossing off any they can read fluently and spell correctly.
Maths Games
SPAG Games