Welcome to Year 4 - Dream Class. We have 32 children in Dream class this year, all striving to achieve their own personal goals. I, Miss LeVardi, am the Year 4 teacher and alongside myself will be Miss Murphy and Mr A. Miss Murphy will be working with us in the afternoon and Mr A will be working with us in the morning. We all share the same goal - to guide, support, learn, laugh and make memories. We are looking forward to the exciting, and hard-working, journey ahead!
This term, we will be learning continue our learning. Within English lessons, we will be exploring the text The Firework-makers daughter and working on including our year 4 objectives of direct speech, fronted adverbials, adverbial starters and noun phrases. In Maths, we are going to continue our work on fractions before moving on to time and decimals.
In geography, we will be learning about volcanos, tsunamis and earthquakes. We will explore where they happen in the world and look at mapping skills and where they are more likely to happen in the world. We will also continue learning about states of matter in Science. We will also be having an art day on April 10th. During art day, we will be looking at Georgia O'Keefe, her landscape drawings and creating our own pieces.
Your child's well-being is of vital importance to us and we want to ensure that they are happy and progressing. This term there will be a Parent Conferencing session via Teams. If you ever have any queries, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via my staff email:
At the start of the day, children will enter the classroom where they will settle into Number Sense which is a new programme we are using for times tables this year.
Morning break will be at 11am (other than a Friday which is 10:30am). If you wish, you may send a healthy snack in with your child for them to consume at this time.
We ask that you read with your child as often as possible. Children are expected to quiz fortnightly on Accelerated Reader. This helps aid their fluency and stamina to digest larger volumes of text that are expected within the Year 4 curriculum. Children have also been given an individual target for the term (this is their target from last year in Spring 2). If your child reaches their target or beats it they will have a trip to the park to celebrate their achievement.
PE in Spring Term will be on Monday Afternoon (Swimming) and Friday Afternoon (Gymnastics with Rossendale Leisure Trust). Children should come into school dressed in their PE kits. This consists of: Black leggings/joggers, PE Top and hoody, jumper or cardigan. Please ensure that all earrings and jewellery are removed for sessions. It is important children also have their swimming kits each week for swimming with their towel, swimming costume or trunks and a swimming cap. If your child cannot swim please let Miss LeVardi or the office know.
Children are expected to complete 4 nuggets on Century Tech each week, 2 maths and 2 literacy. Alongside this, it is important children are practicing their times tables in preparation for the Multiplication Check in the Summer Term
Staff contacts:
Miss LeVardi: elevardi@olsa.lancs.sch.uk