
Our Lady and St Anselm'sRoman Catholic Primary School

Growing together in faith, hope and love.

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Ernest Shackleton

What will we be learning?


The unit will build upon their previous learning on the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. They will recall key individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements such as Neil Armstong and other famous explorers. They will consider the chronology of the event; what impact did the expedition have on our lives today; what changes have been made to exploring now as opposed to the past; develop an awareness of themes, societies, events and people; make valid statements about the main similarities and differences occuring within and across the topic; comment on the importance of cause and effect of the expedition to show why the period was significant; consider the alternative viewpoints given for the success of the mission - citing reasons why the past can be constructed in different ways.

Sir Ernest Shackleton | Full biography of Sir Ernest Shackleton | Explorer |

The polar explorers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were among history's most intrepid explorers, braving freezing temperatures and starvation in t...
