Class Pig
In class we love to offer extra opportunities to the children such as baking, class visitors and new resources. On Friday mornings we bring our class pig to the playground where we ask for small donations to cover the costs. All the money donated goes back to the children to support their learning.
Forest School
Please ensure your child has a named pair of wellies in school and brings a waterproof coat.
Snack Time
Please send one small, healthy snack for your child to eat at morning break every day. Please label your child’s fruit or put it in a container to avoid confusion. In the afternoon, we have a rolling snack time where your child can choose to have a piece of fruit provided by school.
Home Reading
Your child will receive a home reading book and a home reading record when they start school in September. Once your child has finished reading their book, please sign their reading record to let us know and your child can then change their book. Home reading books can be changed daily.
Homework Pack
Every Friday your child will be sent home with a homework folder. This will include a phonics reading book focussing on the sounds we have learnt in class that week and a piece of homework. Your child’s homework pack will be collected in on Thursday’s. Please ensure the homework folder is in your child’s school bag every Thursday. Your child’s phonics reading book will be changed once a week. Our expectation is that you read with your child every night for at least 10 minutes. You can choose to read either your home reading book or your phonics reading book each night.